After meperidine administration, due to its short action time, painful sensation reappears and a new dose is necessary, however normeperidine produced as from the first dose will add to that of the second dose, and so on. The International Association for the Study of Pain IASP , the WHO and other entities recommend restricted use of meperidine to manage acute pain and its replacement, whenever possible, by other less toxic opioids; and strongly condemn its use to manage chronic pain, which in addition to toxicity may also induce chemical dependence because the development of tolerance to meperidine is very fast and may appear even with a single dose 1 , 7. Pain evaluation is critical for its adequate control, since several studies have shown that non-relieved pain limits individuals in their daily activities, changes mood, exacerbates pain fear, thus affecting the quality of life QL of patients and their caregivers 2. Rev Lat Am J Pharm. New to this edition will be a companion Website containing all of the illustrations, fully searchable text, and an interactive question bank. A study 17 has observed pain incidence in cosmetic surgeries and analgesia and has concluded that the most prescribed analgesic was meperidine.
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In addition, the concentration of its metabolite in the milk is considered compatible with breastfeeding.
Rev Lat Am J Pharm. In addition to delivery, one should also pay attention to breastfeeding, because since meperidine has a long half-life active metabolite, the dose excreted in the milk may buildup in the infant causing behavioral depression, difficulty to suck breast milk or seizure 23 Hepatotoxic and neurotoxic, with half-life of 14 to 21 hours.
The implementation of the educational multidisciplinary protocol to decrease meperidine prescription in the Israelite Hospital Albert Einstein was effective because it has significantly contributed to decrease its consumption 3.
The World Health Organization WHO recommends strong opioids to manage acute or severe chronic pain, associated or not to non-opioids, adjuvants or non-pharmacological techniques, aiming at improving pain and QL 13.

Open Journal of Medicinal ChemistryVol. Ferreira DT, Faccione M.
Meperidine: opioid not indicated for analgesia
Um receptor agonist, contributing to analgesia, with half-life of 2 hours. A study 17 has observed pain incidence in cosmetic surgeries and analgesia and has concluded that the most prescribed analgesic was meperidine. This study aimed at describing the characteristics which make meperidine unfeasible for pain management, at calling the attention to the incidence of its prescriptions and to the need of a multidisciplinary educative action aiming at decreasing its use, in addition to presenting two opioids as options for analgesia.
The science and practice of pharmacy.
VIAF ID: 4061898 (Personal)
Structural characteristics leading to improved pharmacokinetics parameters were then analyzed. May 13, ; Accepted: Korolkovas A, Burckhalter JH.
Zui xin tu jie yao li xue by Mai sai ke Book 1 edition published in in Chinese and held by 3 WorldCat member libraries worldwide. Le basi della farmacologia by Richard D Howland Book 1 edition published in in Italian and held by 19 WorldCat member libraries worldwide. Inthe Ministry of Health has recommended the exclusion of meperidine from the National List of Essential Drugs RENAME due to the presence of the neurotoxic metabolite normeperidine, its short action time and for being three times more expensive than morphine without having therapeutic advantages By the cumulative effect and due to its long plasma half-life, this metabolite may reach dangerously toxic levels 7.
Methadone induces less nausea, constipation and sedation as compared to morphine and its euphorizing effect and psychic and physical dependence rates are lower as compared to other opioids In search of a role for the morphine metabolite morphineglucuronide. This is howlxnd Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
There may be meperidine metabolites buildup in patients with kidney or liver failure 1. Most widely held works by Mary J Mycek. Pharmacology by Mary J Mycek Book 29 editions published between and in English and Undetermined and held by WorldCat member libraries worldwide Pharmacology, Fourth Edition enables rapid review and assimilation of large amounts of complex information about the essentials of medical pharmacology.
According to data of the II Home Survey on the use of Psychotropic Drugs in Brazil inmeperidine was the second most used opioid reported by respondents However, this restriction or replacement seems not to be occurring because available studies report excessive meperidine consumption in Brazilian and other developing countries hospitals 3.
Mycek, Mary J. (Mary Julia) 1926-
The International Association for the Study of Pain IASPthe WHO and other entities recommend restricted use of meperidine to manage acute pain and its replacement, whenever possible, by other less toxic opioids; and strongly condemn its use to manage chronic pain, which in addition to toxicity may also induce chemical dependence because the development of tolerance to meperidine is very fast and may appear even with a single dose 17. National or international scientific and governmental publications between the years and used in this study report that meperidine is not indicated for pain management, primarily due to its short action time, presence of neurotoxic metabolite normeperidine and possibility of rapidly developing tolerance.
Kopf A, Patel NB. Irasuto yakurigaku Book 3 editions published between and in Japanese and held by 4 WorldCat member libraries worldwide.
John Libbey Eurotext - Authentication
After meperidine administration, due to its short action time, painful sensation reappears and a new dose is necessary, however normeperidine produced as from the first dose will add to that of how,and second dose, and so on. Howlandd fact calls the attention to the need of a multidisciplinary education of pharmacists, physicians and nurses, aiming at the awareness of the risks of meperidine use and at decreasing its prescription, limiting its administration to cases where other options were not effective of feasible.
Review of general, organic, and biological chemistry, second howlajd. Normeperidine half-life is between 14 and 21h, it has twice more stimulating effects which potentially toxic in the central nervous system CNS and has just half the analgesic properties of meperidine 13.

Both opioids, according to data of researched literature, have longer action time and more analgesic potency with less toxic and noxious metabolites as compared to meperidine, allowing a more effective pain management and better quality of life.
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